10 signs your team would benefit from coaching  

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Times are changing

Change is an inevitable part of life, especially within the working environment. However, it can be difficult for companies and staff to keep up with these changes. Often, particularly for more senior members of staff, some can become lost and even left behind in these challenging times.

Sadly, this can lead to employees struggling or even handing in their notice, in the face of being unable to keep up with the changes. Not only can this be damaging for the individual leaving the company, but also for colleagues remaining who may then become more fearful and resistant to company change.

Noticing the signs

Changes in a staff member’s behaviour can be a key sign that individuals are not coping well with company adjustments.

Here are 10 signs which could indicate that your staff are not managing effectively with change:

  1. Frustration – with themselves and other colleagues.
  2. Stress – anxiety and general unhappiness.
  3. Isolation – lack of conversing and reduced sociability.
  4. Unprepared – looking or feeling lost and out of their depth.
  5. Increased periods of time off – illness or an unwillingness to be in work.
  6. Boredom – a reduced enthusiasm for their job.
  7. Disputes with colleagues – becoming resistant or more argumentative.
  8. Lack of confidence – in themselves and their work.
  9. Punctuality – continual lateness.
  10. Procrastinating – unwilling or unable to complete their tasks.

Inevitably, how well employees are able to deal with changes can strongly affect the business. At Career Evolution, we understand how crucial it is to help these colleagues cope.

A positive change

Our expert coaching programmes are designed to aid members of staff at all levels, including those at more advanced positions such as senior managers and directors. Our highly qualified coaches will assist your staff to handle change effectively.

This includes helping people before, during and after change. We offer bespoke support on a one-to-one and group basis.

Tailored specifically for how to best suit your employee’s needs, our coaching enables individuals to recognise their value, and most importantly, how they and your company can continue to succeed in the face of change.

Change for the better

Change should be embraced as a positive opportunity; not as something to be feared and treated with scepticism and suspicion. Change is vital for businesses to adapt and survive in an environment where too many companies have already buckled under the pressure of not keeping up with the times.

Helping employees to take control of their changing role or situation, and formulate a plan for the future that will work for them, is the key to helping individuals thrive and prosper.  It is important to strive ahead and bring about positive change together.