Coaching for success

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coaching for success

We must not lose sight of the importance of coaching for success, regardless of whether someone is home working, or back in the office. We’ve all seen some drastic changes to our work routines over the last two years. As of February 2022, 20% of workers across the UK have not returned to the office full-time, while in London the figure is nearer 50%. But with the introduction of greater flexibility and hybrid working models, especially where office-based staff are concerned, have we seen a sea change in how careers develop also?

Productivity and success

Some things aren’t going to change. Even if we are going to be working from home, we are all going to undergo training and attend meetings. Our work still needs to deliver quality and we need to rise through the ranks and achieve greater responsibility and recognition, higher earnings, and more senior roles. And Coaches will still have a crucial role to play in that development. A Coach will help you improve your performance and enhance the skills you already have, to allow you to play to your strengths to become productive, informed and successful.

Unconscious learning

There’s really no substitute for working in an actual office in some respects.  We all know how much we absorb unconsciously in a work environment. It’s much easier to ask a quick question in person, rather than type out a lengthy email. It’s important that that element of work – the quick tip, the hive minds group chat to crack a problem – which is very difficult to replicate with remote working with quite the same spontaneity and efficiency, is not lost. We learn an awful lot from our colleagues, whether we realise it or not. But the need remains for external guidance and specialist knowledge too.

Navigating the new landscape

In other words, the role of a Coach is unchanged in this new business landscape. The methods and the media for delivering this learning and coaching to clients may change – it may be that the remote working model will remain, inasmuch as coaching sessions can be caried out remotely. But this is actually a positive. It means high-quality coaching can be beneficial to anyone, regardless of their location, and can be delivered to that location, without losing its impact. And of course, where possible, face to face coaching sessions and mentoring will quickly become the norm again, as there’s nothing quite like actually meeting someone in person, to understand their true personality – their strengths, weaknesses, their confidence and demeanour. But whether they are working from home, or in the office, it’s imperative that everyone’s needs are recognised, and their career goals addressed.

Speak to our team if you are in need of our services.