Why People Fear Change

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When it comes to change, people can have very positive or negative feelings towards something new. This is especially true when it is in the workplace. A job represents stability and security for many people. The fear of that stability or security coming under threat can be very daunting. We spend a great deal of our lives at work and it has a huge impact on our wellbeing. But it’s a known fact that businesses have to change all the time.

Evolution of business

It’s important that businesses continue to evolve, in order to remain relevant within their industry. However, recognising and understanding employees concerns about change can help ensure both employee and employer survive and see the benefits of the changes.

The fear of change can be deep-seated and comes from factors like loss of control and uncertainty. If a business decision is unexpected, it can have a huge impact on the company’s employees.  It needs to be handled in a positive way, so people aren’t left feeling let down or vulnerable.

The wider implications of change

Change, particularly where there are redundancies or job losses involved, does not only impact on the people directly affected by it.  It can also affect the wider team, even if their roles do not change.  Unless handled correctly, change can lead to team members feeling isolated, and in turn, they can become resistant to change.

To ensure change is managed effectively it is important to maintain morale within the team.  To do this, communication is key.  Good, clear, open communication can help take away some of the fear associated with change.  If people are kept informed and understand what is happening and why, then they are more likely to accept – or even embrace – change.

Maintaining a positive attitude

Understanding what employees need to get through change with a positive attitude and outlook can benefit everyone. Outplacement can also be used to support employees from the announcement of change all the way through to securing their future placements, ensuring that the experience is positive for all.