In times of great change, how can outplacement work for you?

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Company restructures can be challenging, but for many companies this year, they will be necessary. Redundancies and job losses can cause untold upheaval.  It is obviously difficult for the whole company, but it can be particularly stressful for the HR team. Key members of the team potentially have to deal with the angst of employees throughout the organisation, while also having to deal with their own personal uncertainties too.

A positive approach

It is worth considering the benefits of outsourcing some elements of the HR function during these periods.  By working with a business qualified to help and support the HR team in outplacement, career management and coaching, you will provide a strong foundation to meet the various challenges thrown up by the situation and individuals affected, in a positive and constructive manner.

The benefits of distance

In addition to the experience of these types of situations that they already have, there are many other benefits to working with a third party at these times.  Not least of these is the element of distance that your Consultant will have from the emotional turmoil that is potentially impacting on the internal team.  Often affected employees find it easier to discuss how they feel and what they want to do with a third-party career consultant rather than someone they are likely to run into in the kitchen. In addition, the use of outplacement clearly demonstrates – internally and externally – that as an organisation, it is committed to doing the right thing.

Now and for the future

As well as supporting people exiting the business, a Consultant can work closely with the teams remaining to improve levels of morale, address development needs and generally help throughout the transitional period.  By keeping people at the heart of the process, you have the potential to turn a situation which could be damaging into something else for both the people who leave and the ones who remain.  Don’t forget, looking after your workforce now, has never been more important.